Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chicago is close to ending 2011 with fewer murders than last year, police say

Chicago is close to ending 2011 with fewer murders than last year, police say

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Governor Quinn Announces Millennium Reserve Initiative in Calumet Region of Chicago

Note; I say build it and they will come. I personally think having a nature reserve on the south side is wonderful. I just hope there are some hills to run up  when it's nice out and sled down when it snows.

For a minute there reporters thought they’d see Gov. Pat Quinn and Mayor Rahm Emanuel bird watching together.
Both touted the advantages of improving 140,000 acres in the Calumet region -- to be called Millennium Reserve -- at a cost of nearly $18 million.
The down payment comes from that capital bill passed by the Illinois General Assembly two years ago.
"This is one of the greatest pockets of wilderness that God ever created, said Quinn.
He said "nature-based tourism" is a popular new trend.
Emanuel called Lake Michigan "our Grand Canyon" and said he believes improving the area surrounding the lakefront will "make it a recreational frontier."